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What to do After Your Brazilian Wax Service?

Sam Impeartrice

Here are our best tips and tricks to keep your smooth skin the best it can be after your waxing service!

Whether it's your first time or you're a vet, being curious as to how to keep your skin silky smooth post-wax is totally normal! We get it, trust us... everyone wants to have a pretty kitty! Your friendly waxologists at Smooth Body Wax Center have got you covered! Here are our best tips and tricks to keep your skin the best it can be!

Tip #1 - Breathe

Now we know what you’re thinking. “ Why do I need to breathe?” What we actually mean is your skin.

Waxing is a form of exfoliation and to avoid your skin getting irritated we recommend allowing your skin to breathe. By wearing loose fitting clothes for about 24 hrs post wax, this allows your skin to not get bumps and/or ingrown hairs. We also recommend skipping fitness classes and activities that encourage friction, irritation, sweat, and bacteria. This is definitely a great time to use some rest days and allow your skin time to heal.

Tip #2 - No Baths

A nice warm bath is a wonderful way to relax. However, right after a wax the hair follicle is emptied, making it more prone to bacteria and possible infection. We recommend waiting 24 hours post wax before enjoying your soothing bath. It is also best to avoid swimming pools and saunas as the chlorine and steam can also attract irritants.

The absolute best thing you can do after waxing for self care is a nice cool shower so the skin stays tight and does not get irritated.

"Waxing is a form of exfoliation and to avoid your skin getting irritated we recommend allowing your skin to breathe 24-48 hours post wax." – Samantha Impeartrice

Tip #3 - Be Gentle

The skin is the body’s largest organ protecting us against environmental stressors such as rain, sun and other elements, as well as microbes such as bacteria and viruses. It is important to note that the skin has many layers to protect us. The layer that we see on the outside is called the epidermis. When waxing, dead skin cells are exfoliated leaving the epidermis smooth in appearance and feel.

After your wax we recommend that you not exfoliate for at least 48 hours. When exfoliating you can use either a chemical exfoliant such as our exfoliating pads by Sweet Spot Labs or the roll on exfoliant by PFB. They will both keep your skin free of factors that can clog your pores and cause ingrown hairs. You might also choose to use a mechanical exfoliant such as our exfoliating gloves or our dry brushes.

We recommend being gentle with your exfoliating regimen. After waiting 48 hours after your Brazilian wax service or other waxing services, you can begin exfoliating. However, we recommend to exfoliate on 2 to 3 times per week.

Tip #4 - You Are What You Eat

Keeping your skin beautifully smooth takes a good routine both for the outside of your body as well as the inside. By following tips 1-3 you will keep your skin free of ingrown hairs and infections. But also remember to drink plenty of water and eat vitamin rich foods. These things will keep your skin feeling and looking smooth.

Love your Skin

You can always trust us to give you the best advice for post wax services. Feel free to talk to your waxologist at your next appointment to see what their recommendations are for your specific skin concerns. We look foward to seeing you soon! Book your next appointment here.




(770) 728-0291

3620 Salem Rd., Covington, GA

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